
CatTailDragon讨论 | 贡献2024年2月8日 (四) 20:28的版本
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SCP-173 Changelog History
0.1.0 SCP-173 added.
1st April 2018 Renamed SCP-173 to PEANUT and changed its model for the 2018 April Fools update.
5.0.0 Ragdoll added.
6.2.0 Maximum HP increased to 3200.
7.3.0 Blink time decreased to 3 seconds.
31st October 2018 SCP-173's model changed for the 2018 Halloween update.
1st April 2019 Renamed SCP-173 to Mr. Nutty and changed its model for the 2019 April Fools update.
9.1.0 Movement speed increased to 12.5 m/s.
Movement speed now increases more linearly from lost health.
10.0.1 Now correctly moves in blacked-out rooms.
23rd October 2020 Renamed SCP-173 to Mr. Nutty and changed its model for the 2020 Halloween update.
22nd December 2020 Changed SCP-173's model and ragdoll for the 2020 Christmas update.
11.0.0 Patreon Beta I Maximum HP increased to 4000.
Patreon Beta XI Reworked SCP-173.
  • New model.
  • Maximum HP decreased to 2000.
  • Given 1000 HS.
  • Decreased movement speed.
  • Removed Panic.
  • Removed Startling Speed.
  • Replaced Neck Snap with Blink.
  • Added Tantrum.
  • Added Breakneck Speeds.
  • Added Reinforced Concrete.
Patreon Beta XVII Maximum HP increased to 3000.
Maximum HS increased to 1500.
Movement speed increased.
Blink cooldown now determined by how many humans are staring at SCP-173 when the timer begins.
Tantrums are now destroyed by Tesla Gates.
Public Beta III Tantrum pool-size increased.
Blink cooldown scaling adjusted. 3 seconds base with an additional 0.6 second increase per witness.
Breakneck Speeds blink-distance multiplier is now 1.5x instead of 2x.
Breakneck Speeds now halves blink cooldown.
11.1.0 Blink cooldown scaling removed. It is now a flat 3.6 seconds.
Blink distance decreased to 12.5 meters. Blink distance during Breakneck Speeds remains at 22.5 meters.
18th December 2021 Changed SCP-173's model for the 2021 Christmas update.
11.1.3 SCP-173's HS no longer has armor.
HS out-of-combat recharge rate increased from 15/s to 20/s
HP armor efficacy increased to 80%.
11.2.0 Tantrum pools can now be destroyed by explosions.
11.2.1 Changed SCP-173's maximum HS to 1200.
12.0.0 Patreon Beta I 模板:Hoverimage
SCP-173 can now break windows by either blinking into them or running into them with Breakneck Speeds active.
Teleport indicator for Blinking now shows whether a human is in the kill radius or not, as well as becoming transparent when Breakneck Speeds is active.
Public Beta Maximum HP increased to 4000.
Blink cooldown reduced to 3 seconds.
Increased HS regneration speed by 50%.
SCP-173 killing players with the Stained Status Effect now regenerates 模板:Hoverimage instantly.
22nd December 2022 Changed SCP-173's model and ragdoll for the 2022 Christmas update.
13.0.0 Reduced SCP-173's Blink charge's ‘sustain time’ by one second.
13.1.0 Moved spawn to Heavy Containment Zone.