SCP-096 Changelog History
17th February 2018 SCP-096 is announced on Steam in the 1.1.0 changelog.
3.0.0 SCP-096 Added.
1st April 2018 Renamed SCP-096 to SAD BOI and heavily distorted its animations for the April Fools update.
5.0.0 Enrage time raised to 14.5 seconds. Previously it was 12.5 seconds.
Ragdoll added.
31st October 2018 Put a pumpkin over SCP-096s head for the halloween update.
7.3.0 Unspecified changes.
1st April 2019 Renamed SCP-096 to SCP-096-Binge and made its model severely obese April Fools update.
SCP-096s remodel is first teased on Twitch in a Megapatch 2 Q&A showing only the head and torso.
9.0.0 Two sounds added to kills by SCP-096.
Time to trigger decreased by 30%
9.0.3 Attack hitmarkers are made serverside.
9.1.0 Jump height increased by 50% when enraged.
Time to trigger now dynamically changes based on player count.
9th March 2020 Scopophobia is announced. The update adds Stamina, Respawn Tickets, new Status Effects and a rework of SCP-096.
10.0.0 Public Beta I SCP-096 Reworked.
  • New model and sounds.
  • HP lowered to 500.
  • 250 HS applied. Increases by 250 HS every time a player looks at its face.
  • Two new abilities, Try Not To Cry and Charge.
  • Can no longer see people who haven't seen its face during Enrage and Targets are highlighted during Enrage.
  • Enrage to Docile transition is no longer instant.
  • Animated ragdoll added.
Public Beta XII Range of TNTC cries decreased.
HS increased to 500 HS. HS scaling per target decreased to 200.
Public Beta XIX SCP-096 can be harmed while using TNTC.
Release Candidate I People who touch SCP-096 will be counted as seeing its face.
People who touch SCP-096 while it is charging through a gate will instantly die on contact.
Release 10.0.0 People who touch SCP-096 will no longer be counted as seeing its face.
10.0.1 Size of animated ragdoll decreased.
10.0.2 SCP-096 can now pry open the big gate on Surface Zone
23rd October 2020 Renamed SCP-096 to The Wendigo along with having light emit from its mouth and eyes for the Halloween update.
10.1.0 SCP-096s max rage time is now capped to 30 seconds.
HP increased to 1500.
Hume Shield reduced to 350.
HS Regeneration reduced to 5 HS per second.
HS per target reduced to 70.
Can no longer see people who haven't seen its face during docile to enrage transition.
Cooldown timer for Charge and Enrage timer added.
Players that see its face will get an audio cue played to them.
Animated ragdoll now takes into account gravity and can display player name and cause of death.
10.1.2 Hit registration lasts longer server-side
Attack hitbox now changes depending on which hand of SCP-096 is used.
Vision code reworked to be more accurate.
22nd December 2020 Tinted SCP-096s textures blue and applied an emission texture to its eyes. (which wasn't properly applied, leading to the entire model glowing instead.)
10.2.2 Can now instantly destroy doors with charge again. (Originally couldn't as a result of the door refactor in 10.2.0.)
11.0.0 Patreon Beta XI HP increased to 2000.
HS increased to 1000.
HS no longer scales per target and will always remain at 1000 max.
HS regeneration increased to 40 HS per second.
Enrage time now only increases from targets gained during Docile and Docile to Enrage transitions.
Charge cooldown increases to 3.5 seconds if someone is killed with it.
SCP-096 can no longer insta-kill people who haven't seen its face. It can still deal 40 damage to them via Charge.
Targets are highlighted in the Docile to Enrage transition first instead of when Enrage starts.
Hume Shield particles now stop appearing when SCP-096 performs TNTC.
SCP-096 now is notified when someone sees its face with the same audio cue used by humans who see its face.
24th October 2021 Applied an emission texture on SCP-096 to make its mouth and eyes glow for the Halloween update.
11.1.0 Ragdolls from kills done by SCP-096s charge will have force applied to them.
12.0.0 Public Beta Soft-reworked SCP-096.
  • HP increased to 2500.
  • 1200 HS at minimum HP. HS during rage is halved and cannot regenerate.
  • Melee attacks now deal 85 damage. Charge now deals 90 damage.
  • Movement speed during Distressed and Calming changed to 2.55 m/s.
  • Movement speed when Raging changed to 8 m/s.
  • Try Not to Cry now works on any flat surface.
  • SCP-096 may now choose when to begin Raging.
  • Rage time now lasts for a minimum of 20 seconds and is capped at 35 seconds.